2014. július 8., kedd

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The Association for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries (AMAPSEEC), Albanian Academy  of Science & Agricultural University of Tirana, are organizing the 8th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries (8th CMAPSEEC), in hotel “Adriatik”,Durres, Albania, from May 19-22, 2014

Invited Speakers

Ákos Máthé, University of West Hungary, Hungary
Presentation: Trends, opportunities and challenges in Medicinal plant research and utilization
Prof. Dr. Ákos Máthé is Chair of the ISHS Section Medicinal & Aromatic Plants and Vice-President of the International Council for Medicinal & Aromatic Plants. He is professor and head of the Department of Botany in the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science at the University of West Hungary, Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary. His main research areas are botany, ecophysiology of medicinal and aromatic plants and innovative diversification of horticultural production. He has been editor of several Acta Horticulturae volumes, scientific books and book chapters. He is board member of several scientific journals and has been speaker / (co)-convenor of numerous symposia. Comissioned by FAO recently he has undertaken training missions to Turkey and has been instrumental in launching the FAO ESCORENA Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Network
Alvaro Viljoen, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa
Presentation: South Africa’s medicinal and aromatic flora - opportunities for science and industry
Born in 1969, Pretoria, South Africa. Completed a BSc, BSc Hons. (cum laude) and MSc (cum laude) in Botany at Stellenbosch University. In 1994 Alvaro commenced with a PhD at the University of Johannesburg on the chemotaxonomy of the genus Aloe. In July 2005, he was appointed as a research fellow in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tshwane University of Technology (Pretoria). More than fifty post-graduate students have graduated under his supervision since 2002. His research interest is the phytochemistry and biological activity of medicinal and aromatic plants indigenous to South Africa. He has authored / co-authored 170 peer reviewed papers mostly on the phytochemical exploration and biological activity of indigenous medicinal and aromatic plants. He has been elected on to the editorial boards of the Journal of Essential Oil Research (Francis & Taylor) and Phytochemistry Letters (Elsevier); he is the associate editor of the Journal of Ethnopharmacology (Elsevier) and reviewing editor for South African Journal of Botany (Elsevier). In October 2014, Alvaro was awarded the National Research Chair in Phytomedicine. www.alvaroviljoen.com
Andrea Pieroni, University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo, Italy
Presentation: Ethnobotany in the Balkans: quo vadis?
Trained in Medical Botany at the University of Pisa, Andrea Pieroni earned his doctorate from the University of Bonn in Germany. A Research Assistant at the University of London since 2000, as well as Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at the School of Life Sciences of the University of Bradford in northern England since 2003, he returned to Italy in January 2009. He is currently Associate Professor of Ethnobotany at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, NW Italy. Professor Pieroni has been the President of the International Society of Ethnobiology and he is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine and a member of the boards of several international ethnoscientific associations and peer-reviewed publications.
He has been the P.I. of the first collaborative research project funded by the EU Commission focused on traditional plant knowledge in the Mediterranean (RUBIA, 2003-2006). His research focus is on gastronomic and medical ethnobotany in the Mediterranean area, the Balkans, and among migrant communities in Western Europe.
Joachim Müller, Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany
Presentation: Postharvest processing: the crucial link in the value chain of medicinal plant production
Since October 2004, Joachim Müller is Professor of Agricultural Engineering and since 2012 Vice Dean of Hohenheim University (Stuttgart, Germany) where he holds the Chair of Agricultural Engineering in the Tropics and Subtropics. He received his Ph.D. degree in 1992 in Renewable Energy Application and did research in Irrigation Technology as Assistant Professor at Hohenheim University until 2001. From 2001 through 2004 he held the Chair of Farm Technology at Wageningen University (The Netherlands) where he did research in Precision Framing. His current research activities are in the field of Renewable Energy, Postharvest technology and Irrigation Technology where he has published more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals. Since 2013 he is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Applied Science on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
Johannes Novak, Institute of Animal Nutrition and Functional Plant Compounds, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna
Presentation: DNA-based authentication of medicinal and aromatic plants
He is head of the Working Group “Functional Plant Compounds” with expertise in medicinal and aromatic plants, phytochemical analysis, molecular biology, plant physiology. The research focus is in quality control (DNA-based identification of raw materials and products), natural variability (phytochemical and genetic analysis) and chemotype formation. He is co-editor of JARMAP (Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Elsevier) and secretary general of the European Herb Growers Association (EUROPAM).
Milen Ivanov Georgiev, Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Presentation: Metabolomics: Just another "omics" or an ideal platform for accelerated lead finding?
Milen Ivanov Georgiev, PhD in Biotechnology, is heading plant biotechnology, natural products chemistry and metabolomics work. He has >10 years of experience in natural products and has published 60+ papers, 3 book chapters, cited more than 550 times. He holds several grants from National Science Fund of Bulgaria, frame work programs of European Union (EU) and NATO science for peace program. He spent several years abroad as postdoctoral scientist in Germany (2005-2007) and in The Netherlands (2010-2012), both supported by the Marie Curie Program of EU. In 2011 he was awarded with Pythagoras award by the Bulgarian Government for the best outstanding young scientist.
His current research is focused on the biosynthesis of pharmaceutically important metabolites (e.g. iridoids and phenylethanoids) and the development of biotechnological tools for their mass production as well as the application of modern platforms for comprehensive metabolite profiling (i.e. NMR-based metabolomics).
Mohamad Kamil, Zayed Complex for Herbal Research & Traditional Medicine, Abu Dhabi
Presentation: Quality Control & Standardization of Herbal Medicinal Plants & Products A Dire Need Today
Ph.D, D.Sc. C.Chem., FRSC Mohammad Kamil, Head TCAM Research Zayed Complex for Herbal Research & Traditional Medicine WHO -Collaborative Centre DPHR-HAAD. Actively engaged in research on Medicinal Plants since 1971 (more than four decades). Substantially contributed to Drug Research and standardized chemically about 400 phytopharmaceutical herbal preparations besides standardized quite a large number of single herbal medicines. Recently received " Hakim Ajmal Khan Global Award 2013, at a Ceremony held in Delhi, India on 11th February ,2013.
Muhammad Iqbal, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India
Presentation: Taxonomic authentication of medicinal plants with controversial botanical identity
Muhammad Iqbal, Professor of Botany at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India, specializes in medicinal and environmental botany. He has published 215 original research papers, 64 book chapters, more than 50 popular articles and 7 edited books. He has guided thesis research of 30 PhD and over 70 MSc students. A Fellow of 6 scientific organizations, including the National Academy of Sciences, India, and the Linnean Society of London, he is a recipient of 7 national awards. Iqbal was a Visiting Scientist in South Korea, Poland and Saudi Arabia. He was Vice-President of Indian Botanical Society and the International Society of Environmental Botanists, and President of the Academy of Environmental Biology. He is on the editorial board of 15 research journals and in the executive of numerous scientific organizations. He has served the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, and Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi. At Jamia Hamdard, he has worked as Head of Botany, Dean of Science and also as Vice-Chancellor.
Muhsin Konuk, Uskudar University, Istanbul, Turkey
PhD in Biochemistry, Swansea University, 1994.
Full time Molecular Cell Biology Professor since 2002.
He published more than 125 papers, 7 books/books chapters; presented ~60 posters/oral presentations; involved around 20 research projects and be member of a number of scientific meetings both national and international; member of a number journals’ editorial board and acted as both editor-in-chief (in two journals) and reviewer at ~50 different journals. He was appointed as member of Swansea University (UK) Court in 2012.
Prof Konuk supervised ~20 postgraduate research thesis, and mainly studying on molecular toxicology, genotoxicity / antigenotoxicity and mutagenicity / antimutagenicity of both natural or synthetic substances.
Temel Özek, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey
Presentation: New Trends in Extracting and Separation of Compounds from Natural Products
He is a Chemical Engineer but he also completed second M.Sci. in Pharmacy. Worked at the Research Centre about 20 years. His major research areas are essential oil distillation and extraction techniques and design of the systems, SFE, MW, HS and application of micro techniques, sophisticated analytical techniques. He is also specialized for enantiomeric compound isolation from essential oils by preparative applications. Worked for about 30 national and international project. Giving national and international consultancy. Published six book chapters and more than 170 papers in international refereed journals. He is an Editor of Records of Natural Products/Essential Oils

4 megjegyzés:

  1. Just published by Springer Science Publishers:

    Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the Middle-East
    Series: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World, Vol. 2
    Yaniv, Zohara, Dudai, Nativ (Eds.)
    2014, X, 337 p. 81 illus., 39 illus. in color.

    I think this volume can be of interest.
    Kind regards :-)
    Akos Mathe

  2. The following invitation has just arrived:

    приглашает студентов, аспирантов, молодых ученых и преподавателей ВУЗов, сотрудников научных институтов и учреждений принять участие в работе
    IV МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЙ НАУЧНО-ПРАКТИЧЕСКОЙ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ «Лекарственное растениеводство: от опыта прошлого до современных технологий»
    которая состоится в мае 2015 года
    Тематические направления: - интродукция, ботаника, биология лекарственных растений; - экологические проблемы выращивания и переработки; - технология выращивания и переработки; - послеуборочная переработка и технологии; - фитохимия лекарственного сырья. Участие в конференции заочное
    Для участия в работе конференции необходимо до 30 апреля 2015 года отправить по указанному адресу статью до пяти страниц следующей структуры:
    УДК: А.Н.Петренко, аспирант (студент, научный работник, ассистент) Полтавская государственная аграрная академия
    Резюме: Ключевые слова: Текст статьи Библиография Резюме на русском Резюме на английском
    ПРАВИЛА ОФОРМЛЕНИЯ: Текст набирают гарнитурой «Times New Roman», размер кегля 12 пт., между строчками одинарный интервал. Параметры страницы: стандартный А4 (210х297), размещение книжное, верхние и нижние поля – 20 мм, левое – 30 мм, правое – 10 мм, страницы без нумерации. В файл можно вставлять рисунки, фотографии, таблицы и графики. Форматирование файла в редакторе MS Word 93, 97.

    Название файла должно содержать фамилию автора или авторов (например: Petrenko.doc). Файл с материалами высылать электронной почтой по адресу e-mail: herbmed2012@gmail.com на имя Поспелова Сергея Викторовича. Материалы конференции в виде электронного сборника в формате PDF будет опубликован на сайте академии http://pdaa.edu.ua. Оргвзнос участия составляет 400 рублей (RUR)(сюда входит оплата за размещение статьи на сайте, верстка макета, редактирование текста). Посмотреть и скачать сборник можно будет через две недели после последнего срока принятия материалов к публикации. Оргвзнос можно перечислить на имя Поспелова Сергея Викторовича по адресу: ПГАА, ул Сковороды 1/3, г. Полтава, 36003, Украина Внимание! Обязательно сообщите о переводе денег на указанный e-mail. Будем благодарны за распространение данной информации среди коллег!

  3. Dear Members of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAP) Thematic Knowledge Network in Europe and Central Asia,
    this is to invite you to join us in our initiative to reactivate the ESCORENA MAPs Blogs.
    We think that by using this means of interactive networking we could facilitate networking and the flow of information among our Members.
    Wishing You all good health and joyful blogging.

    1. Dear Colleagues,

      Just received a reminder from the MESMAP-3 Symposium that will be held at Merit Park Hotel in Girne (Kyrenia), Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus during April 13-16, 2017.

      Please find important deadlines for MESMAP-3 Symposium as below;
      Deadline for Abstract Submission: March 10th , 2017

      The message contains the registration form, abstract template format and MESMAP-3 flyer as attached files. You can send your registration form and abstract via email (mesmap2017@gmail.com).

      Your kind help about announcement of the symposium among your colleagues / students will be appreciated very much.

      For detailed information please visit www.mesmap.org

      Looking forward to meeting you in Cyprus,
      Kind regards,

      Professor Nazım ŞEKEROĞLU, PhD
      Chairman of MESMAP-3


      Dr. Sevgi Gezici
      Secretary of Scientific Issues
